Project Manager Evaluation Forms

Project Manager Evalution Forms
The project manager is unique because she/he manages temporary, non-repetitive activities and frequently acts independently of the formal organization. The project manager is expected to marshal resources to complete a fixed-life project on time, on budget, and within specifications. Project managers are the direct link to the customer and must manager the interface between customer expectations and what is feasible and reasonable. They provide direction, coordination, and integration to the project team, which is often made up of part-time participants loyal to their functional departments.

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Project Manager Evaluation Form:Non-Template

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Page Contents

Project Manager Evaluation Form: Example

The Government encourages Consultants to be proactive about initiating Evaluations with their Project Manager.


The purpose of this Evaluation is to:
• Provide information for future consultant selection decisions.
• Provide feedback to the consultant and the opportunity for project course correction.
• Improve communication and mentor the consultant.
• Improve the quality of project deliverables.


Project No:
Project Location:

Contract No:

Scope Description:

Work Discipline:
Project Manager:

Firm Name:
Consultant Project Manager:

Local Government:
Local Gov’t Project Manager:

Evaluation Date:
Evaluation Type:


Project Manager Comments/Feedback
(In addition to overall comments, please also comment if there were successful course corrections between the interim and final evaluation.)

Project Manager, How likely is it you will select this consultant for future projects?

Consultant Project Manager Comments/Feedback

Overall Evaluation Score:


(Rating Scale: 1 – Unacceptable, 2 – Improvement Needed, 3 – Good, 4 – Great, 5 – Outstanding)

1) Manages RESOURCES effectively (contract administration, milestones, tasks, subconsultants, schedules, progress reports, invoices, payments). Score:

2) Develops, implements, follows and documents a QUALITY CONTROL / QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN (scope of services). Score:

3) COMMUNICATES effectively with the Project Team, subconsultants, stakeholders, and the public (meetings, scope, schedule, budget, progress of project, milestones, invoices, changes). Score:

4) Manages BUDGET effectively (scope of services and project. Score:

5) NEGOTIATES the contract and modifications in a fair, collaborative and open manner. Score:

6) Understands and conforms with POLICY, procedure, standards, manuals of instruction and, if applicable, federal-aid requirements. Score:

7) Develops and meets a realistic SCHEDULE for the project and scope of services. Score:

Section Score: 0.0


(Complete this section entirely if this contract is for environmental services. Please solicit feedback from Region and Complex technical specialists that have reviewed deliverables, and include their comments in your evaluation. Rating Scale: 1 – Unacceptable, 2 – Improvement Needed, 3 – Good, 4 – Great, 5 – Outstanding)

1) Prepares a QUALITY environmental document. Score:

2) Understands and conforms with the NEPA PROCESS and other state and federal laws (Section 106, 4(f), Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act). Score:

3) Proposes innovative SOLUTIONS to environmental challenges. Score:

4) Develops and follows a quality PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT plan. Score:

5) WILLINGNESS to follow direction from Staff. Score:

Section Score: 0.0


(Complete this section entirely if this contract is for design. Please solicit feedback from Region and Complex technical specialists that have reviewed deliverables, and include their comments in your evaluation. Rating Scale: 1 – Unacceptable, 2 – Improvement Needed, 3 – Good, 4 – Great, 5 – Outstanding)

1) Follows the DESIGN PROCESS (knowledge of Federal/State/industry standards, ePM design network, etc). Score:

2) Design fulfills the project mitigation COMMITMENTS (environmental, right of way, utility, railroad, etc.). Score:

3) Design connects with community values and the natural and built environment (CONTEXT SENSITIVE SOLUTIONS). Score:

4) Develops quality DELIVERABLES (plans, specifications, estimates, reports). Score:

5) Delivers a product that effectively APPLIES INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO PROJECT CHALLENGES within the project requirements (scope, schedule, and budget). Score:

Section Score: 0.0


(Complete this section entirely if this contract is for construction engineering managment. Please solicit feedback from Region Contract Specialist and the Deputy Engineer that have reviewed deliverables, and include their comments in your evaluation. Rating Scale: 1 – Unacceptable, 2 – Improvement Needed, 3 – Good, 4 – Great, 5 – Outstanding)

1) PARTNERS effectively with contractor, Local Agency (if applicable), utilities, and adjacent property owners. Score:

2) Performs and documents in a timely manner quality MATERIALS TESTING and INSPECTION consistent with standards. Score:

3) Ensures contractor COMPLIES with the construction contract. Score:

4) Monitors and supports a SAFE work environment for project personnel and the public. Score:

5) Timely and accurate CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION (change orders, progress payments, process reviews, project documentation, project closeout). Score:

Section Score: 0.0

(Digital signatures are allowed.)

Project Manager: Date:
Print Name/Title:

Consultant Representative: Date:
Print Name/Title:


(Local Government Project Manager completes this page/section if this contract is for a Local Government project.)

Local Government Project Manager Comments/Feedback

Local Government Project Manager, How likely is it you will select this consultant for future projects?

Consultant Project Manager Comments/Feedback:

Local Government Evaluation Score:
(NOTE: The Local Government Evaluation Score is separate and is not included in the Overall Evaluation Score.) 0.0


(Complete this section entirely if this contract is for a Local Government contract. Rating Scale: 1 – Unacceptable, 2 – Improvement Needed, 3 – Good, 4 – Great, 5 – Outstanding)

1) Understands and demonstrates knowledge of federal and state REGULATIONS. Score:

2) Consultant COMMUNICATES effectively with Local Government officials. Score:

3) Consultant produces QUALITY DELIVERABLES. Score:

4) Understands and follows the Local Government project DELIVERY PROCESS. Score:

5) Manages BUDGET effectively (scope of services and project, progress reports, subconsultants, invoices, modification requests). Score:

6) Develops and meets a realistic SCHEDULE for the project and scope of services. Score:

Section Score: 0.0

(Digital signatures are allowed.)

Local Government Project Manager: Date:
Print Name/Title:

Consultant Representative: Date:
Print Name/Title:


• Include Local Government page of form with signatures (if Local Government project).
• Scanned copies are acceptable.
• For Local Government Project Managers – return Evaluation to Project Manager.


Scale Rating Name Rating Description Expected Occurrence
5 Outstanding Deliverables exceed standards with minimal direction; seeks opportunities for self-improvement; models, coaches and inspires excellent service; owns project problems and offers analysis of resolution options. Rare
(< 5%)
4 Great Deliverables exceed standards with routine direction; frequently checks in on status of service and provides consistent quality service; identifies project problems in advance and offers timely alternative options. Occasional (20%)
3 Good Deliverables meet standards with routine direction; provides expected service and quality checks required by the contract; helps to analyze and resolve problems as they occur. Frequent
(50% or >)
2 Improvement Needed A comment is required. Deliverables eventually meet minimum standards with frequent coaching required; provides mediocre service, rarely checking for feedback; unaware of problems until discovery by others, then provides weak solution analysis. Occasional
1 Unacceptable A comment is required. Deliverables are substandard even with frequent coaching; rarely provides expected service and no quality service checks are evident; unaware of problems until discovery by others, then unable to provide analysis or resolution options. As Required
(< 5%)


The department recognizes that the Consultant cannot improve or sustain good performance without project-specific constructive feedback. Please solicit feedback from technical/functional specialists** that have reviewed deliverables and interacted with the Consultant, and include their comments in your evaluation.

The Final Evaluation is used for future Consultant selection, and helps the department develop and hire the best.

Interim Evaluations are used to give timely Consultant performance feedback, and allow opportunity for performance modification to ensure project success.

** Possible technical/functional contacts include:
• Consultant Services
• Environmental staff (Region and Complex)
• Design staff (roadway, structure, geotechnical, utility, traffic & safety, ITS, right of way & QA)
• Public Involvement staff
• Construction staff
• Operations staff

Project Manager Performance

The project manager is responsible for performance (frequently with too little authority). They must ensure that appropriate trade-offs are made between the time, cost, and performance requirements of the project. At the same time, unlike their functional counterparts, project managers generally possess only rudimentary technical knowledge to make such decisions. Instead, they must orchestrate the completion of the project by inducing the right people, at the right time, to address the right