Originally posted on Human Resources Management:
Employee engagement can be defined as an employee putting forth extra open effort, as well as the likelihood of the employee being loyal and remaining with the organization for long time. Engaged employees, perform better, put in extra efforts to help get the job done, show a strong level of commitment to the organization, and are more motivated and optimistic about their work goals. Employers with engaged employees tend to experience low employee turnover and more impressive business outcomes.
Employee engagement is essential. In order for organizations to meet and surpass organizational objectives, employees must be engaged.
Engaged employees reflects in following way,
- Higher self-motivation.
- New ideas generation
- Higher productivity.
- Higher levels of customer satisfaction.
- Reliability.
- Organizational loyalty; less employee turnover.
- Lower absenteeism.
Focus on employee engagement:
Organizations are focusing on the significance of employee engagement and how to make employees more engaged. Employees feel engaged when…
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